Giving children the best start in life

June 21, 2010

Having become a father for the first time, I am especially keen to give my daughter Emily's teeth the best start.  Here are a few questions and answers about dental care during pregnancy and beyond.

Q.  Do I need to see my dentist during pregnancy?
A.  This is very important.  During pregnancy lots of hormonal changes are taking place.  This can cause reddening of the gums and bleeding when brushing.  It is therefore very important to maintain a high standard of cleanliness during pregnancy and we recommend visiting the dentist and hygienist regularly during this time.  

Q.  Does pregnancy cause damage to the teeth?
A.  The simple answer is no.  Many people believe that pregnant mums-to-be lose calcium from their teeth.  This is not possible, so don’t worry!

Q.  Should I change my diet during pregnancy?
A.  As long as you maintain a normal healthy balanced diet during pregnancy you do not need any supplements.  Take care to avoid sugary snacks and drinks.  Also make sure you don’t over eat as baby only needs 200-300 calories a day on top of your normal daily calorie intake.  

Q.  When do my baby’s teeth appear?
A.  Normally this is around 6 months starting with the lower front teeth.  They occasionally occur later or earlier – some children even being born with teeth.  Adult teeth will appear later from the age of 6.  

Q.  Should I clean my baby’s teeth, and how?
A.  Yes.  As soon as the baby teeth appear, you should clean them.  The best way to clean baby’s teeth is to cradle her in your arms and using a baby toothbrush, carefully brush the teeth with fluoride toothpaste.  Start with a childs’s toothpaste unless your dentist advises you otherwise.

Dr James Critchley

Laura Kate

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