Reception Blog

March 2, 2010

It’s been really busy on the reception desk at Freshdental this week.  The new tooth whitening offer of Zoom £1 a day and Enlighten £2 a day has gone down a storm.  

We have also been really busy organising our Implant Evening tomorrow and our Invisalign Evening on Thursday.  Places are still available but another will be organized very soon - watch this space for details.  

Bye for now the Freshdental Reception Team

Laura Kate

I have just completed Invisalign treatment here and am thrilled with the results.

Fresh Dental in Bayswater, London
Fresh Dental in Bayswater, London

I have been seeing Monik at Freshdental for a while now and couldn't be happier with the service. I have just completed Invisalign treatment here and am thrilled with the results. Have recommended Monik to many of my friends & family and will continue to do to.

Fresh Dental in Bayswater, London


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